Monday, July 2, 2007

Happy Birthday Jon!

Here is a clip from a movie Jeb and I watched on Saturday. So funny.

Saturday, June 16, 2007

Monday, June 11, 2007


Howdy nymphs and nymphets! I am proposing a viewing and book/movie discussion of Lolita this Friday evening chez moi! We can congratulate Rooney on being done with school and we can properly send off Jen as she leaves to gain a family member in CA.

Thursday, June 7, 2007

Thundercats, ho

Thundercats originally aired from 1985-1987, occupying a key place in the tail end of my action-figure-playing-with childhood. This video, however, like much of my generation, is a mix of impressive and depressing. Depressingly impressive?


Hi Campers,
I'm working at UT in the dean of undergrad studies office and I'm BORED OUT OF MY MIND! Who knew data entry wasn't the posh, high energy career it promised to be? Anyhoo, I am veritably begging you to keep up the blogging so I don't hang myself with my mouse cord.

Oh, and side note:
I am almost done with Lolita so we need to schedule a rap session! And I think we should do it in costume. I'll be the bloody headed Charlotte:)

Thursday, May 31, 2007

Back on the Horse

After an extended visit from in-laws, I'm back on the case. Or the horse, if you'd prefer. Per the earlier post, I'd like to propose a little Friday night outing for interested campers.

Count Dracula's Weed Smuggling Jam Engine at the Parlor (100 E North Loop Blvd Ste B). It's a pizza parlor, it's free and it features the jam engine. Who's with me!!! Seriously, who?

As penance for my absence, here's some super awesomeness. I can't promise it'll be this great, but what nowadays is?

Sunday, May 27, 2007

Lolita reading group discussion

Attention summer book club members: We are in for a real treat. My brother Gabe came up with several questions to help facilitate our discussion of Lolita. If you haven't read the book yet, hold off on reading the questions, as they give away the ending.

ADD Reading Group Discussion Questions

Lolita by Vladimir Nabokov

  1. What do you think of the cover of the book? The one with the sexy lips on it? Do you find the lips to be sexy? If you do, does that make you a pedophile?
  2. According to the first chapter, Dolores Haze had many names: Lo, Lola, Lolita, etc. Discuss other figures in popular culture who have many names. (Example: Sean "Puffy" Combs or Jennifer Lopez, who dated each other for a time.) Is it a coincidence that Jennifer Lopez goes by J-Lo and Dolores goes by "Lo, plain Lo, in the morning" or is Lopez consciously drawing a parallel between herself and Haze, hoping she will remain young in the eyes of her public? If yes, did the semi-creepy gamble pay off? If no, you have to admit that it's quite a coincidence.
  3. Look out the window. What do you see?
  4. Should Humbert be admired for writing so eloquently while in prison? You know what they do to pedophiles in prison, don't you?
  5. Have you ever dated someone because you were interested in one of his or her family members? How did that work out for you?
  6. If gay marriage is ever legalized, won't guys like Humbert just be running rampant?
  7. Lolita had her first sexual experience at summer camp. Is this common? Go around the room and discuss your own "summer camp firsts". Include smoking/drug use in addition to kissing/more than kissing. Do these experiences make you hesitant about sending your own children to summer camp?
  8. What song is playing through each of your heads right now? If two of you had the same song in your head, laugh at what a coincidence that is.
  9. Humbert murders Quilty. Was that the right thing to do? Is there a "Quilty" in your own life (someone you have killed)?
  10. In the movie, Quilty is played by Peter Sellers. Are any modern character actors as interesting as Sellers? Johnny Depp?
  11. Would you let Vladimir Nabakov baby-sit your daughter?