Thursday, June 7, 2007

Thundercats, ho

Thundercats originally aired from 1985-1987, occupying a key place in the tail end of my action-figure-playing-with childhood. This video, however, like much of my generation, is a mix of impressive and depressing. Depressingly impressive?


Marianne said...

I do love me some thundercats, but on an unrelated note, is this jam session thing tonight going to suck? Cuz if it is I suggest we just go somewhere and get actual pizza.

Rooney said...

yikes, that was LAST week. And it was poorly attended, meaning not even I could convince Stephanie to haul up there. But I'm sure it was awesome. Have you been to their Myspace page? Got milk?

Marianne said...

Oops! I told Jen she has to go and I even tried to drag Sarah along. I think I need to make some phone calls:)